
Traveler Story: Exploring the West African Nation of Togo

Original Story Published by: Ayah A. ,
Photo Source: Jessy Bernard

Jessy Bernard is a 31-year-old proud Haitian American who works in marketing. When she lived in the United States, she enjoyed being surrounded by the lively Haitian community and lived in cities like Boston, New York, and Miami.  Having relocated to Accra, Ghana, today Jessy still lives among beautiful Black faces. She enjoys exploring the region, and venturing to other West African countries, including Togo.

“One of the perks of living here is the chance to explore more of western Africa. Since The Year of Return, Ghana has now been put on the map as a prime tourist destination. However, there are many other beautiful countries in West Africa that also merit a visit.”

One long holiday weekend, Jessy and a group of her local friends found themselves with a few extra free days. They jumped on the opportunity and decided to go visit their neighbor to the east, the small nation of Togo.  They traveled there via car, and the journey took around five hours of continuous driving. Upon arriving, Jessy and her friend noticed Togo shared some similarities with Ghana.

“A lot of my Ghanaian friends were saying it reminded them of Ghana and I would agree. It did remind me of Ghana regarding some of the aesthetics, yet it still had its own style and pace. For the most part, the locals were also quite friendly and hospitable just like Ghanaians are also notoriously known for.”

In Togo, Jessy spent much of her weekend at a beachside resort in Lomé where she had the opportunity to do something she hadn’t been able to do for a while–relax.

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