Fashion Health

Tibeb Leather repurposes their factory to make medical grade face shields to help combat COVID-19

Original Story Published by: Media Africa
Photo Source: Tibeb Leather Works

(Above) Tibeb Leather Works medical grade face shield.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia– Tibeb Leather Works has started mass production of medical face shields to be used for health care workers on the frontlines. In the fight against Covid-19 PPEs are in scarcity and so to tackle that issue Tibeb has allocated a portion of its funds and assembly line to producing face shields from locally sourced materials.

The face shields are made from affordable materials that can be procured with ease. With much research and support from partners Tibeb was able to retrofit several designs on the market into one that Ethiopian health care system can utilize.

“After seeing what Covid-19 has done to other nations we knew we had to take action” says CEO Yonatan Asrat. “These medical face shields are durable, affordable and most importantly locally sourced. We wanted to make sure that we used materials that are in abundance to ensure the longevity of the product and its impact on the fight against this pandemic”

Tibeb Leather Works is a social enterprise, we use the platform we have to provide marginalized women in the community opportunities for self-betterment. We strongly believe in empowering women to achieve their full potential, ensuring that they are recognized for their talents and become an essential part of the economic fabric of society.




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