
The Wonder Women of Botswana Safari

By: Hillary Richard, The New York Times


A game drive in Chobe National Park. CreditJoao Silva/The New York Times.

By midmorning, the dirt tracks of Chobe National Park rumbled with vehicles. Uniformed guides cruised by slowly, the names of their safari companies emblazoned on their open-air, four-wheel drives. A friendly man in a Land Cruiser stopped to chat with our guide. He asked which route we had taken and which animals we had seen so far. His passengers, excited to be on safari, surveyed the tawny delta landscape punctuated by deep green trees and bushes through their binoculars, and talked excitedly among themselves. When their eyes fell on my guide, who accessorized with an elephant-print scarf and a green bucket hat, their faces registered surprise. My guide, unlike the other guides we passed, was a woman.

“The women are both criticized and complimented for their lower level of aggression in their approach to chasing wildlife.” 

Throughout this day in May, early in the dry season a year ago, safari goers within the enormous park would notice other women behind the wheels of a fleet of tan vehicles bearing the Chobe Game Lodge logo in red and gold lettering.

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