
Tanzania: Mixed Reactions Trail Bongo Flava Ban

Original Story Published by: Boniface Nyaga for Music in Africa

(Above) Bongo flava star Ali Kiba has seen his genre removed from Tanzania's ruling party campaigns.

Tanzania’s ruling party’s decision to ignore bongo flava artists during campaign season has divided opinion.

“From today Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) will not use bongo flava artists in our political rallies," CCM secretary Bashiru Ally during a meeting of the executive council in Dodoma, last week. "We shall use our own band, Tanzania One Theater (TOT). [And] when we go to various provinces we shall engage regional traditional dancer so as to save cost." 

Comedian and actor Steve Nyerere has expressed his support for the move.

As a staunch supporter of CCM I totally agree with our secretary," he said. "The announcement may appear as though CCM doesn’t value musicians but that is not the aim. Our party supports the arts so there will always be room for performers. TOT has always performed at CCM campaigns and they will continue to do so." 

CCM employed bongo flava artists during the 2015 campaign, following the death of singer and Mbinga West MP John Damiano Komba. Popular for belting out patriotic and CCM-themed songs, Komba was a permanent feature at rallies until his death. 

 Artists who participate in campaigns often end up compromised and unable to speak truth to power. And by choosing one side they risk alienating fans who support the opposition. 

To read the full article, visit Music in Africa



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