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Latest Past Events
African Festival Yokohama 2018
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse 1-1 Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama, KanagawaThe dates for this event are estimated and subject to change. Once the organizers have officially confirmed the running and scheduling of the event this page will be updated. Less a festival and more an miniature indoor exhibition, the African Festival in Yokohama has been held annually since 2008 to bridge the cultural differences between Africa […]
Festival of South African Dance
Featuring the Gumboots and Pantsula Dance Companies Direct from Johannesburg, South Africa, two dynamic dance companies share the stage for a pulsating, rhythm-filled evening of urban street dance. Featuring 20 dancers with live musicians, the Gumboots and Pantsula Dance Companies use dance to respond to cultural and political issues in their communities by conveying real-life […]