Stories We Love Travel

Eritrea: “Travelling Without Seeing and the Eritrean Diaspora”

Original Story Published by: Berkty Alem,
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(Above) Diaporans of Eritrean descent

Every year the Eritrean diaspora from all parts of the world return to Eritrea. The vast majority stay for less than a few months. Some are lucky to visit and stay in Eritrea for a longer time. The Eritrean diaspora is labeled by some as ​Beles. ​Beles ​ harvest season goes from around June to September, which matches with the time the majority of the diaspora visit. Many of the Eritrean diaspora as Eri-tourist stay in major cities of the country and generally ‘travel without seeing’.

The Eritrean diaspora primarily visit major cities and stay in locations that represent the closest version of foreign style in living. If the Eritrean diaspora gets an opportunity to visit the real Eritrea outside of foreign style of living and housing to a more rural area of their family village, then it just for a fast one day visit without giving a chance to form a lasting bond or connection to the area. Which in my opinion equals ‘travelling without seeing’, this is a phrase from an old New York Times opinion article about a journalist that observes in this modern era people are attached to their technology. That even when paying a ticket to go to a new location the traveler is physically in a new place, but their heart and mind are emotionally elsewhere. Many in the Eritrean diaspora are guilty of this. It is sad to hear or see people who were born or raised inside Eritrea, but now have residency in foregin countries to suddenly condemn the very land that birth and raised them. Some will say comments that my son or daughter came from X, Y, Z place and I am worried that the food, soil, water, or etc.. situation in the rural or city inside Eritrea will be risky or dangerous for them. Ironically, these Eritrean diaspora parents don’t think of the risk of bringing and raising their children with smartphones or modern technology addiction and how the mother nature in Eritrea and the organic lifestyle in Eritrea is a blessing not a liability.

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