
A race to save Uganda’s hippos

Original Story Published by: Enock Wanderema,
Photo Source: Bernard Dupont

(Above) A hippo in the Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda

On a tranquil morning in September, the remote Pakuba airstrip came alive as rangers from across Uganda gathered to take part in a gruelling competition.

The runners would have three hours to cover 21 km (13 miles) in scorching heat through Murchison Falls National Park to reach the point where the White Nile flows into Lake Albert and the sanctuary of “Hippos’ Pool,” where these colossal creatures used to thrive in big numbers.

It is a show of fitness. It is their job to protect their country’s magnificent wildlife and see off the cruel poachers who threaten the animals with extinction.

Eighteen four-man teams arrived for the annual Wildlife Ranger Challenge in Uganda. Teams elsewhere in Africa did the same as the continent-wide challenge — conceived during the Covid-19 pandemic to keep rangers employed and supported by international conservation organisations — reached its climax for 2023.

To make the challenge even tougher, the runners would carry rucksacks, each loaded down with 22 kg (48.5 lbs) of beans.

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