
7 Top African Celebrations and Festivals

Original Story Published by: Staff writer for Creative Travel Guide,
Photo Source: Courtesy of Creative Travel Guide

(Above) Wodaabe men performing a traditional Yaake dance,  Niger

There are some awesome festivals around the world and these look fantastic!

With more than 3000 ethnic groups and some 2000 different languages, the African continent is the very embodiment of cultural diversity. Combining this fact with the amazing biodiversity and natural beauty of the continent along with incredible features such as the Kruger National Park and the city of Cape Town; planning a holiday in Africa becomes an opportunity not to be missed!

Let’s explore our top seven cultural festivals from various countries across the continent to give you an idea of the immersive and exotic experiences you can expect to encounter when you visit this magical place.

Best African Festivals

  1. Mombasa Carnival – November, Kenya

Kenya’s largest annual festival, organized by the Ministry of Tourism, is a carnival of floats, costumes, music, and dance that perfectly showcases the region’s cultural diversity. Traditional and contemporary musicians perform, and the streets are lined with stalls offering all sorts of local delicacies, such as fresh coconut milk and the brewed concoction known as mnazi, which is made from coconut sap.

Participants often dress in traditional kikoy and kanga, and the parade finally winds its way down to the beach at Fort Jesus for a boat regatta!

  1. Festival of the Dhow Countries – July, Zanzibar

Often described as East Africa’s largest cultural event, the Zanzibar International Film Festival, or Festival of the Dhow Countries, brings together the arts and cultures of several East African countries with those of India, Pakistan, the Gulf States, Iran and the Indian Ocean islands.

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